Liebster Nominations

Liebster Award 2014

Thank you, T.J. Banks ( for nominating “The Scheherazade Chronicles”!

I am pleased to announce that I have won an award for this blog. After receiving the Liebster Award, my good friend and author T.J. Banks of Sketch People passed it on to me. This award is normally given to bloggers by other bloggers, and I am honored to be part of this tradition.

The Rules

1. Link back and thank the blogger who nominated you in your post.
2. List 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
4. Pick 5 – 10 new bloggers (must have less than 300 followers) to nominate and ask them 11 new questions. Do not re-nominate the blogger that nominated you.
5. Go to each new blogger’s site and inform them of their nomination.

11 Random Facts About Myself

  1. My first love is music.
  2. I write to music.
  3. I believe dogs are the best people.
  4. I love dancing ballet.
  5. I call my daughter, Kellie, and her two daughters “The Three Kellies.”
  6. I am descended from a long line of Philadelphians who were bankers, schoolteachers and storytellers.
  7. I love storytelling.
  8. I piloted a Beechcraft 1900C 19-seat airplane for five minutes; I kept the nose up and the wings level.
  9. My favorite author is F. Scott Fitzgerald; we are kindred spirits.
  10. I have a subtle wit and sense of humor, sometimes silly, and derive catharsis through finding a way to laugh at even the most painful experiences.
  11. I can be most contented sitting deeply immersed in a good book, especially one of the great classics.

Questions Asked by Marie Lavender & T.J. Banks

1. Name three secrets that you never told anyone.

  1. I take notes on all business phone calls, as I would were I writing a magazine or newspaper story.
  2. My father wrote a novel, unpublished.
  3. I had a dog who was humiliatingly smarter than I.

2. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would do?

Pay off my home mortgage and bring my library of books, music recordings and writing files from storage across country in California. I would donate to humanitarian causes.

3. Looking over the last ten years, what is one goal you have achieved and one that you have not achieved?

I have published two books. I have not yet gotten a piano and begun to take lessons again.

4. What are your plans for retirement? And will you travel, if so where and why?

I do not plan to retire. I will always keep writing.

Yes, I love to travel, and given the means would visit my friends across America and around the world; also take that train ride up the Hudson River.

5. Favorite drink on a Friday night?

A glass of good California or Italian red wine with dinner and friends.

6. What do you think the secret is to a good marriage or relationship with a significant other is?

Love, laughter, understanding, conversation & dialogue, parity, doing things and having fun together; having no expectations.

7. Name three words that describe your personality.

Humorous, Spiritual, Curious.

8. Home-cooked meal or take-out?

Home cooked. I love to cook and to create recipes.

9. When was the last time you blogged and what was the topic?

April 29, 2014 – “The Quest for Human Equality and Dignity,” about the Underground Railroad and places along the Network to Freedom.

10. What do you think the key is to happiness?

How we respond to situations, being mindful of cause and effect, always going with the higher thought, and laughter and dreaming.

11. Who is your favorite poet and why?

Oscar Wilde. I love his wit and wisdom as well as his evocative, lyrical, flowing words. And John Keats – the evocative, flowing, thoughtful, tender observation in his lines.

My Liebster Nominations

In keeping with our theme, I have decided to nominate these blogs:

Lame Adventures
Reinventing the Event Horizon
Garden of Eden Blog
Wind, Rain, Winding Roads & Sunshine, The By-Ways of Life
Walk On
Gwynn’s Grit and Grin
Rainey Day Writing and Research

–Samantha Mozart

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