Appoquinimink River Association: How You Can Help


Some startling facts …

The ARA Web site states: “The Appoquinimink watershed is home to the last undisturbed marsh system left in Delaware…. The Appoquinimink watershed is also home to many endangered species…. In order for nutrient levels to achieve water quality goals, 83.5 pounds per day of total nitrogen and 4.5 pounds per day of total phosphorus need to be removed from the water bodies in the Appoquinimink watershed.”

 To learn more about the ARA and the Appoquinimink watershed:

The best way is to go online to to view maps and read up. There you can sign up for their mailing list or to volunteer on projects. Or, you can call (302) 382-0335 or write to them at P.O. Box 341, Middletown, DE 19709.

What you can do around your own home to help:

Sara Wozniak advises taking these measures: “Individually, residents can do many small things to help protect the watershed. Some examples include:

  • If you have a waterway or wetland flow through your property, don’t mow up to the edge. Leave a buffer of grasses or plants to protect the water.
  • Pick up your pet’s waste when you are out for a walk. When it rains, that waste is carried into storm drains and directly into our water.
  • Wash your car at a car wash. Car washes collect all the polluted water coming off your car and dispose of it in a safe way as opposed to washing it in your driveway where the water runs into the street and down the storm drain into the Appoquinimink.
  • Have your soil tested before you apply fertilizer to make sure you actually need it. If you do, read the package and follow directions. More is not better with fertilizer!
  • Never dump motor oil, antifreeze or other chemicals down storm drains, roads or driveways because they flow directly to waterways.
  • Properly dispose of household hazardous wastes. Do not throw them into the garbage because once sent to a landfill they can leak into our water systems.”

This Information Box accompanies the Dan O’Connell profile, Middletown Life Magazine, Summer 2007, published under my byline, Carol Child.